Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne There are many causes of acne.  According to researchers, the major causes of acne are hormones and genetics.  Other causes of acne include medication, cosmetics, personal hygiene and environment.  This will vary from person to person.  This is also the reason why some acne treatments will work for some people and not for others. Causes of Acne: Hormones The period in one’s life when the body undergoes major changes is puberty.  It is during this teenage period that the body starts to produce hormones called androgens (both boys and girls).  These androgens causes extra oil, called sebum, to be produced.  This, in turns, mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria.  This mixture...

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Exposed Skin Care

The Exposed Skin Care package comes in 5, 6, and 9 pieces. Each of these pieces can be purchased separately but you are better off with one of the packages. The one we recommend is the special 4 piece  30 day package and consists of the following: Facial Cleanser The first step is to clean the skin. Clean and detoxifies the body Gentle face wash Kills acne causing bacteria Remove dead skin cells Removes excess oil from the face Does not dry the skin Ingredients Sage Extract (Antioxidant) Pro-Vitamin B5 (Regulates hormones, reduce pore size) Salicylic Acid (Clears pores, mild exfoliant)   Clearing Tonic The second step penetrates the pores to control whiteheads and blackheads...

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Acne Myths

Acne Myths Acne myths is a fact of life.  No matter how false they are, people will continue to believe in them. Acne myths get passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. They may seem logical at first but by understanding how the body works reveals their “un-truths”. Here is the list of acne myths.  Some may sound similar to you: Acne Myths #1: Poor hygiene is a cause of acne   At first, this may sound logical.  By washing your body frequently, you are keeping your skin clean, right?  The oil and dead cells which are the main cause of acne are located beneath the skin’s surface.  So no amount of washing will get rid of the oil and dead...

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Top Acne Products Review

Welcome to the top acne products review website. There are so many acne products out there vying for your attention. Wouldn’t it be great to have one product that would treat acne once and for all? Well, we hate to burst your bubble (no pun intended), there is no such magic product. Each individuals acne situation will be different from one another. As such there will be different acne treatments for different individuals.  Depending on the type of acne you have, you may have to try different products until you find the one that works for you. Acne affects everyone, not just teenagers.  This includes both genders.  Believe it or not, babies are affected as well....

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What is Acne?

What is Acne (Medically known as Acne Vulgaris)? Acne is a skin condition (lesion) that can appear as pimples/blackheads/whiteheads or as complex as red, blocked pores (cysts).  In the worst case situation, they can leave scars around the affected area and can be quite painful.  While a majority of acne occurs on the face (especially forehead, nose and chin – known as the T-Zone), it can also appear on the back (the second commonly affected area), neck, upper arms, chest, and shoulders.  Acne also affects people of all ages, gender and race, even babies.  But a majority (85%) are people in their teens (12-17).   What is Acne – The Teenage Years Why teenagers?  This is the puberty years where...

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