Acne Laser Treatments

Acne Laser Treatments As acne laser treatments technology keeps improving, so will the result it will have on treating acne and acne scars. More and more physicians are recommending acne laser treatments for treating acne scars. But before you go ahead, it’s best to understand the various laser treatments out there. Then you will be able to discuss the various options with your physician or why he/she has made a certain laser treatment recommendation. Another thing you will need to take into consideration is whether or not the cost of the treatment is covered by your insurance company.      Traditionally, acne laser treatments were used to remove acne scars, but now, laser treatments are also...

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Treatments for Hyperpigmentation

Treatments for Hyperpigmentation Caused by Acne Treatments for hyperpigmentation There are many causes of hyperpigmentation which is a discoloration of the skin. As this site deals with acne, one of the causes of hyperpigmentation is from areas where acne once used to be that has been healed (called “Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation”). There are treatments for hyperpigmentation that will return the skin back to its natural color.     The color of these post acne spots can vary from black, brown, pink, and red.  This is due to the overproduction of melanin caused by the acne inflammation.  These spots are flat and not scars so treatments for hyperpigmentation can help to fade these colored spots (also called macules).     ...

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Chemical Peel for Acne Scars

Chemical Peel for Acne – An Alternative Method for Treating Acne Scars and Spots This article takes a look at another method for treating acne scars called chemical peel for acne. For a non-chemical peel for acne treatment based on surgery, take a look at this acne scars treatments article. Most of the methods that people have come across in treating their acne scars and hyperpigmentation (dark spots on skin) are met with disappointment as they fail to deliver on their promises. One method that is gaining popularity and proving to be quite effective is chemical peel for acne scars.  Places such as dermatology clinics, SPAs, and salons are growing in numbers in offering chemical peel...

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Adult Acne Treatments

Adult Acne Treatments – Yes Even Adults Can Get Acne Why is there a need for adult acne treatments? There is a misconception that acne occurs only in teenagers.  Well, adults can also get acne (whether they had acne or not during their teen years) but under different circumstances.  Adult acne treatments may sometime be different to those for teenagers.  Studies have shown that approximately 40% of acne products purchased in North America are for adult acne. In this article, we look at adult acne treatments.    Causes of Adult Acne * Stress – In addition to family and career stress, adults now need to contend with unsightly facial acne.  Women tend to become more stressful...

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Get Rid of Back Acne

Get Rid of Back Acne How to get rid of back acne is the second most searched query on the internet for acne treatments.  The first most search phrase for acne treatment is getting rid of facial acne.  Facial acne is the most impacted area on the body.  Also known as Bacne, back acne has the same characteristics as facial acne.  It comes in all size and forms.  It can appear as simple forms as pimples, whiteheads, blackheads to serious forms such as cystic acne.  Back acne affects people of all ages.  To get rid of back acne requires an understanding of the causes of back acne. Just like facial acne,  there are many causes of...

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Acne Rosacea

Is Acne Rosacea Like Acne Vulgaris? What is acne rosacea? Is it the same as the common acne (also called acne vulgaris)? Many people treat rosacea like acne. They are 2 different things. Rosacea is in the same family as acne, but unlike acne vulgaris, it is not caused by over-production of sebum and blockage of skin pores. Acne rosacea  has a red complexion and appears on the nose and cheeks. The skin is dry and flaky.  Rosacea, also known as adult acne, appears mainly in fair skinned adults between the ages of 30 and 50 (more women than men are inflicted) whereas acne vulgaris appears mainly in teenagers.   For menwho are afflicted, the condition is more...

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Acne Scar Treatments

Acne Scar Treatments – 4 Types of Acne Scars There are 4 common types of acne scars: Ice Pick Scars, Boxcar Scars, Rolling Scars and Hypertrophic Scars.  We take a closer look at each of these scars and the acne scar treatments. 1 – Ice Pick Scars Ice pick scars are the most common of the four.  As the name suggests, the facial landscape appears to have been assaulted by an “ice pick” or a similar sharp thin tool.  The ice pick scars are formed as a result of cystic acne.  The inflamed cyst works its way from the lower layer of the skin to the surface thus leaving a deep, long scar.  If you...

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Acne prevention

Acne Prevention  Here are some tips on acne prevention.  By taking a pro-active stand, you will have a better chance to ward off the onset of acne. Even if you previously had acne, taking these steps will help to prevent re-ocurrence of acne. * By now, you should know the causes of acne.  If not, take a look at this article first. The major cause of acne is hormonal changes which is the excess production of sebum (oil) which in turn mixes with bacteria and blocks your skin pores.  An acne prevention method is to exfoliate the skin. This allows you to remove dead skin cells and bacteria from the pores.  Basically you are keeping the pores clean thereby...

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Acne Surgery

Acne Surgery Options You may want to consider acne surgery if you have gone through every acne treatment options (acne prescription and non-prescription treatment) and none of them work for you.  This is for you acne sufferers with medium to severe acne conditions.  Please seek the help of a dermatologist who will discuss the various acne surgery options that are currently available.  When you are thinking of going the acne surgery route, take into consideration the cost, the number of treatments required (sometimes you may require several followups), and potential side effects.  Acne Surgery Treatment Options A small cut is made to the acne affected area and the acne matter/pus is drained from the area. Severe cysts...

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